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(0.4)HISTORY OF ATOM- Antimony explains

 Not until around 1910 when Ernest Rutherford doubted the already existing atomic model. Rutherford was not convinced about the model of the atom  proposed by Thomson. He thus set up his now famous Gold Foil  Experiment.  1. He fired alpha particles (positively charged) at a gold  foil.😮 2. He measured the deflection as the particles came out  the other side.🤥 3. Most of the particles did not deflect at all. Every now and then a particle would deflect all the way back.🤔 4. He said that there must be a positive centre of the foil. He called this centre the nucleus🙄. Let's look at what he got from his experiment. RUTHERFORD’S ATOMIC MODEL (AKA THE PLANETARY MODEL) 1. The nucleus of the atom is a dense mass of positively  charged particles. 2. The electrons orbit the nucleus 3. A problem raised was: Why are the negatively  charged particles not attracted by the positively charged  nucleus🤔 4. Rutherford stated that the atom was like a mini solar system and that the  electrons orb

(0.5)HISTORY OF ATOM- Antimony explains

Learn with Antimony. Hmm. After many years I met Niels Bohr. Niels Bohr told me he agreed with the planetary model of  the atom, but also knew that it had a few  flaws.🤔 Using his knowledge of energy and  quantum physics he was able to perfect  Rutherford’s model. He was able to answer  why the electrons did not collapse into the  nucleus.☺ BOHR’S ATOMIC MODEL (AKA THE RUTHERFORD-BOHR MODEL) I think it was just modification of Rutherford experiments😋 This was the experiment Rutherford Carried out, where he fired alpha particles at gold foil This includes that: 1. Electrons orbit the nucleus in orbits that have a set  size and energy.  2. The lower the energy of the electron, the lower the  orbit. 3. This means that as electrons fill up the orbitals, they  will fill the lower energy level first.🤔 4. If that energy level is fill (or at capacity), a new  energy level will begin. 5. Radiation is when an electron moves from one level to another. Problems with this theory:  Electrons do n

(0.3)HISTORY OF ATOM- Antimony explains

I could remeber during the 1890’s when I met this friend of mine who contributed a lot to the discovery and explanation of the atom, I call him J.J Thomson😋 J.J Thomson was a physicist who is credited for discovering the  electron.😙 He used his research on cathode ray tube technology in this  discovery.  CATHODE RAY TUBE (stop wondering. Antimony got you) How does this Tube Work?🤔 1. Nearly Empty tube (Air has been sucked out)😉 2. An electric charge is passed through the tube. Travels from cathode to  anode😮 3. The charge is invisible, so to see where it traveled a fluorescent screen is  placed at back of tube. Where the beam hits, a  dot will appear on the screen. You could also use a  fluorescent gas and the whole tube will light up.😫 4. This beam will always travel straight if not  interfered with.😏 5. The deflection coils each have a specific charge.  One is positive and the other is negative.🤐 6. Thomson showed that  the charge would deflect away from the negative  coil. H

(0.2)HISTORY OF ATOM- Antimony explains

John Dalton😋 Around 1800 BC.   my friend then was John🙂 John Dalton was the first to adapt Democritus’ theory into the first modern atomic  model. According to John:  1. All matter consists of tiny particles called  atoms 2. Atoms are indestructible and unchangeable 3. Elements are characterized by the weight of their atoms 4. When elements react, it is their atoms that have combined to form new  compounds I hope you dey grab😋                  By: Oshinowo Testimony                         Antimony😎

(0.1)HISTORY OF ATOM- Antimony explains

Learn with Antimony. Let me introduce you to this great man called Democritus in the early 400 BC Scientist: Democritus (Greek Philosopher) He was a Greek philosopher who was  the first person to use the term atom (atomos:  meaning indivisible). You must have heared that before right?🤔 He thought that if you take a piece of matter  and divide it and continue to divide it you will  eventually come to a point where you could not  divide it any more. This fundamental or basic unit was what Democritus called an  atom. He called this the theory of the universe: All matter consists of atoms, which are bits of matter too small to be  seen. After all His researches he concluded that; There is an empty space between atoms Atoms are completely solid Atoms have no internal structure Each atom (of a different substance) is different in size, weight and  shape. Hmm. This guy made a salient point. But as time goes on let's see what will happen to his most respected theory about atoms 🙂 in the(

PHOBIA- Antimony explains

What are phobias? A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear. The fear can be of a certain place, situation, or object. Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific. Do you get it😊 The impact of a phobia can range from annoying to severely disabling. People with phobias often realize their fear is irrational, but they’re unable to do anything about it. Such fears can interfere with work, school, and personal relationships. Remember those your pretty anomalous friends😉 An estimated  19 million Americans  have a phobia that causes difficulty in some area of their lives. Seek the help of your doctor if you have a fear that prevents you from leading your fullest life. Causes Genetic and environmental factors can cause phobias. Children who have a close relative with an  anxiety disorder  are at risk of developing a phobia.

Ph of humans body- Antimony explains .

 Learn with Antimony         By: Oshinowo Testimony                Antimony